Matcha Green Tea Oatmeal Recipe + Cookbooks that Inspire Me
I woke up this morning and headed out the door quickly to head to SouCycle. I got there couldn't find my name on the list so I quickly whipped out my SoulCycle app only to find that I actually had a class booked for tomorrow! So I headed home and instead of getting all pouty I decided to take it as the universe's sign to slow down and enjoy a warm Matcha Oatmeal, open up some cookbooks and fill up with inspiration.
Simple Matcha Green Tea Oatmeal Recipe
Simple Matcha Green Tea Oatmeal Recipe
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Let me know if you try this recipe. Tag me so I don't miss it!
I recently picked up a few new cookbooks after coming home from Nine Wellness. I was so inspired by Dani's cooking that I just needed to know what inspires the way she cooks. During one of our conversations over the weekend, she said to me, "My philosophy with anything in life is maximum flavor, minimal effort." My mind imploded the moment she said that because it articulated my own philosophy of finding joy in the simple things: people, food, experiences, LIFE!
When I first opened these cook books the major thing I noticed was every recipe was based on simple ingredients. None of this weird ass eclectic "homemade" dinners using rabbit or weird ass veggies I'll never be able to aquire here.
The one I'm most excited to dip into is Six Seasons by Joshua Macfadden. He walks readers through simple and easy ways to cook with vegetables throughout all the different seasons.