A safe and brave space for intersectional conversations around sex, love, relationships, parenting, and life.

Fraulein Enriquez Fraulein Enriquez

The Power of Sex Magic

Sex Magic is an ancient manifestation practice that uses the energy force of orgasm to amplify your desires. It involves channeling your aspirations via sex to elicit a desired response from the cosmos.

Like other forms of magic, Sex Magic is used to bring things into your life. Those desires can range from a job promotion to meeting a new partner, deepening your connection with your body, or sending positive energy to someone who needs it. Simply put, you’re bringing something into being by channeling sexual energy in its direction.

If you believe that sexual energy is life energy, then it’s no surprise that Sex Magic works so powerfully. It requires learning some basic principles, and self-love. In my eyes, it’s both an art and a practice.

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Jo Portia Jo Portia

The Art of Blending: Thriving as a Resilient and Loving Blended Family

Families are incredibly intricate tapestries of life. They are complex, sometimes complicated, and things don't always turn out how you may have intended. Whether it's navigating through tough times, dealing with a relationship's ebb, or the dissolution of a marriage, people find themselves sculpting these remarkable blended families. It's like taking the unexpected and, through resilience and love, turning it into a masterpiece of togetherness.

Blended families have the ability to bring people together from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. They create a space where differences can be celebrated and where love knows no boundaries. It may not always be smooth sailing, but blended families have a resilience that cannot be easily broken.

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Jo Portia Jo Portia

Rebuilding Trust and Self-Worth After Emotional Manipulation

When someone you share an intimate and romantic bond with utters hurtful words, it inflicts immense pain. These words cut deep, piercing your core. While the initial experience is agonizing, it is the subsequent love bombing that truly exacerbates the wounds. As you find yourself crumpled on the ground, curled up in a vulnerable ball, the hurtful words echo in your mind. The manipulative tactics employed emotionally entrap and confuse you, leaving you feeling trapped and defenseless.

Healing from this can be even more painful.

Sometimes, the healing process can be even more agonizing because it forces you to confront and bear witness to the profound weight of the years of damage inflicted upon your sense of self-worth that you meticulously covered up so that no one could see.

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LIFE Jo Portia LIFE Jo Portia

Embracing my Authentic Sexuality

Embracing my sexuality wasn’t always easy for me - in fact, it was quite the opposite!

I am the daughter of immigrants, a first-gen Filipino-American who grew up in a family that was wildly uncomfortable with discussing anything related to sex, relationships, and/or money.

On top of that, I was also subjected to the cultural conditioning that many of us have become familiar with, a society that shames and blames women for embracing their bodies, personal power, and sensuality.

Growing up in an immigrant family, conversations around sex, relationships, mental and emotional wellness, and body image issues were never open for discussion. The lack of conversations created a lot of internalized confusion about what it meant to love my body and how to have healthy relationships and communicate.

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Is eroticism part of your self-care routine?

Erotic self-care is not something we do to improve our sex lives, it’s about making holistic changes in our lives that honor and respect ourselves.

It’s not enough to simply be good at sex; we have to be good at being human.

Erotic self-care is a continuous process that requires constant attention, effort, and dedication. It’s not something we can do once and be done with it; it’s an ongoing journey that challenges us to continually improve ourselves.

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Jo Portia Jo Portia

Mending my broken heart and fractured foot

True expansion does not come from external achievements or accomplishments. It comes from within, from finding harmony and cultivating radical self-love. The universe had given me this unforeseen obstacle to not just teach me about the importance of slowing down but to actually embody it. 

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