an 8 week journey of unconditional self-love & sensual empowerment

You’re successful. You're a go-getter and ambitious.

You are making strides, taking your world by storm.

You have a huge heart and love deeply.

Yet, you often feel like you are not reaching the level of authenticity, connection, and depth you desire within yourself and others.

For others, you're a symbol of strength and success.

Inside, it's a whole different story

You desire more


You long to reconnect with your true self


You are overwhelmed


You desire more | You long to reconnect with your true self | You are overwhelmed |

Awakening is an intimate 8-week group coaching experience designed for curious, soul-driven beings ready to leave behind the stories of judgment and shame and commit to creating a well-lived, well-loved, and well-f*cked life. 


Investment: $2,222

VIP Upgrade: $3,333

✳︎ Limited Spots ✳︎

AWAKENing 2024

FEBRUARY 10, 2024

MARCH 30, 2024


9:00 - 10:30 AM PST


VIP Upgrade: $3333

FEBRUARY 3, 2024

The most impactful thing that I took away from our TIME TOGETHER was that I was reminded of how powerful and capable I truly am.

I was reminded that I have the power to turn my vision into a reality.”


Does this sound familiar?

  • You understand your worth, yet invisible chains hold you back.

  • You struggle with being present in your body preventing you from enjoying life's moments.

  • You’re stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and low self-esteem.

  • You've been waiting for the 'right' moment, stalling progress.

  • Everyone around you comes first, and you constantly neglect your personal health, relationships, and rest time for work.

or maybe…

  • Despite the constant bouts of burnout, you push to keep going every day, hoping more work will somehow dissolve these insecurities.

  • Your self-worth is tied to your work, and you're in a ceaseless loop striving for validation and approval.

  • Unsure of how to align your actions with your values and vision, and you obsess over the little things that have no impact on the big picture.

  • You have read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, and talked to all your friends, but the shifts are brief and temporary.

The way we treat ourselves sets the tone for how others treat us.


Fully embrace your desires without the shame

but confusion and doubt get in the way

Have better relationships

but lack a healthy and loving one with yourself

Feel more confident and connected with your body

but feel trapped in your mind with anxiety

Surrender to the experience of sensual pleasure

but don’t feel safe in your body to even explore it

Have more profound and more honest conversations with your loved ones.

but past experiences keep you frozen in fear

Create a life of your wildest dreams with pleasure and fulfillment

but overwhelmed by the scale of the journey

Be the visionary leader of love and life, inspiring those around you with your transformation.

but don’t know where to start

This program helps you turn THESE perceived challenges into actionable steps.

I’ve invested in so many coaches, programs, and courses, and this experience has created the most impact out of all of them. ”



Less information

more transformation

This an interactive group experience that requires you to step out of your comfort zone— because you can't learn to dance unless you hit the dance floor.

What’s included


Weekly 90-min Live Session Together


Weekly Supportive Content


Private Community Platform


Two 30-min 1:1 Coaching Conversations

I promise after this experience, YOU WILL FEEL MORE

  • Empowered and confident in your ability to navigate life's challenges

  • Alive and expansive in a strong sense of self-love and self-worth, leading to positive self-talk and improved self-esteem

  • Expressive and creative because you’re connected and rooted to an infinite source of energy

  • Liberated from limiting beliefs and emotional baggage, allowing for personal growth and transformation

  • Proud and courageous in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries for better relationships

  • At home and at peace in your body & desires because you’ve cleared shame, judgment, fear, or pressure!

  • Devoted to a self-love love practice that feels right for this season of your life.

Ready to rise in love with yourself and life?


Hi, my love. My name is Jo Portia Mayari, and I will be your coach and facilitator for this experience.

My approach blends tantra, somatic work, neuroscience, and one-of-its-kind wisdom, YOU.

I am committed to helping you heal, rise in your power, feel confident in your body, and cultivate healthy, thriving relationships, all while having fun and being in pleasure.

Why I’m offering this?

AWAKENING was born out of a deep desire to share the tools and practices that have helped me transform my life. It's a commitment to creating a space where we can come together as a community and support each other in our journeys towards unconditional self-love and personal liberation.

As my love for myself grew, so did my ability to step confidently into the version of myself I am today, living in alignment with my vision and values. Those things, combined with self-love, inform my beliefs, behaviors, and standards that I set for myself and the relationships around me. 

My life shifted in ways I never imagined.

If something has moved you while reading this, I invite you to book a call with me.

I’d love to be in conversation to see if this investment is right for you.

I look forward to supporting you in making a decision on your next best steps.

Still have questions? I got you.


  • June 2024. Dates will be announced in March.

  • 90 minutes weekly with the group for 8 weeks

  • This experience is open to women and femmes who have pussies & want to expand their pleasure.

    I identify as a cis-woman and am currently in training to hold space for gender non conforming folks in my work.

    You are more than welcome to join if you are okay with me being an active learner who is very open to feedback.

  • Yes! My kids are queer. I myself identify as a queer bisexual woman and welcome all sexual orientations to be part of the mischief.

  • 12 intentionally curated group of soul-led beings.

  • In order to get the most from this experience, I recommend committing about 4 hours every week.

    2 hours for the live group coaching session + 30-minute post-call reflection—and 2 hours towards the readings, exercises, and reflections during the program.

  • Yes—I am committed to serving you powerfully.

    Each participant is provided two 30-minute 1:1 laser coaching sessions. These can be scheduled anytime through the duration of the experience.

    Please email me additional 1:1 experiences.

  • One of the important features of the Awaken Experience is the group coaching and community.

    What makes this so great, is that everyone in the program is an inspiring, mission driven creator.

    The application process allows me to curate this kind of community and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides.

  • Sessions will not recorded unless requested by the group.

  • Commitment is the backbone and driving force of achievement.

    If I told you you would get $100K for participating all the live sessions what question would you be asking me right now?

    Notice that.

    Would you still ask the same question? or simply commit to making it happen?

    This is your life. It’s worth more than $100K.

  • The committed participants have come up with all kinds of creative ways to pay for their experience. They take massive action—and it’s so worth figuring out.

    The transformation you’re going to create for yourself in this container is going to be SO extraordinary you would pay 3 times the investment!

  • Absolutely. Something magical happens when you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable with other people—especially ones who are on the same journey as you.

    This will be a creative and loving playground for you to step into your power and play—and you will make remarkable connections that nourish your heart and soul.

STILL CURIOUS BUT NOT SURE? Let me invite you to Book a call with me.

Slide into my DMs, let’s chat.