Sexuality is self-expression in its purest form.

Sexuality isn’t about looking sexy. Sexuality is about embodying emotions, advocating for your body, and being connected to your original essence.

Hi, I’m Jo

As a certified trauma-informed tantric sex and relationship coach, I help you rise in love with your body, sexuality, and life to heal and reclaim abundance to leave a legacy of Sexual Wealth.

I have survived and healed childhood sexual trauma, navigated a pandemic divorce, and am parenting two gender-expansive teenage daughters, all of which have enriched my life with a depth of understanding and wealth of wisdom that cannot be taught in any classroom.

I love to learn and have an ever-expanding desire to share those learnings with others. I have built a business that embodies the essence of my true self and sexuality — and I cannot wait to share it with you.

My sun is in Scorpio, moon is in Gemini, and I have a Libra ascendant. According to my human design, I’m a Generator 6/2 with emotional authority, which ultimately means I lead with my heart and my soul.

I love 90s R&B/Hip-Hop. I’m a sushi lover. Mint chip ice cream is my favorite. And my biggest turn-on is engaging in emotional and intellectual foreplay.

I teach and help women and gender-expansive leaders unlock their unique erotic and relational intelligence — their Sexual Wealth Code.

Working with me, you will embody sexual sovereignty, empowering you to live and lead from a place of holistic abundance — peace, pleasure & prosperity across all facets of life.

Your sexual liberation is an investment in generational wealth.

I support

hundreds of women and gender-expansive leaders to move beyond the fear and shame that sex brings and help them discover the boundless potential within their sexuality and relationships.

I do this by providing a sacred, safe and brave, non-judgmental space for you to explore your sexuality.

In our work together, I'll hold space for you as we explore the dark parts of sexuality that you may be afraid to share with anyone else.

From there, I'll support you in feeling safe, empowered, and confident in your own body so that you can show up as the sexually empowered leader who has everything you need to feel fully expressed, alive, and free.

We’ll celebrate and shine for the reclamation of your divinity while guiding you to surrender to the pleasure and power of your own turn-on.

Are you ready to unlock your unique Sexual Wealth Code?

As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your sexuality as a whole.

We will work to identify your deepest desires, core values, and the highest vision you have for yourself.

You will have a deeper understanding of your unique erotic and relational blueprint that influence what you’re doing and where there’s room to change how you show up in life and infuse your own love, magic, and mischief into everything you do.

Transformation does not come from attempting to become someone other than ourselves but rather from gently embracing and integrating the blockages, fears, and contractions we hold regarding our sexuality, emotions, and relationships.

Through this process, we unveil the innate wholeness and health that naturally belong to us, that is our birthright and original essence.

My Approach


Is experiential and transformational—not just informational


Blends neuroscience, integrative somatic therapy, ancient tantra, and what feels good for you and your nervous system


Leave with new tools and wisdom you can apply whenever you need them


Living into our values means that we take action. We don't just talk about what we believe and hold important— we put those beliefs into practice in our thoughts, words, and inspired actions.

We celebrate our sensual nature and we live authentically by choosing love over fear while embracing both with compassion.

  • We recognize and celebrate the strength and wisdom of those who came before us and comes after us, drawing inspiration and guidance from our lineage. We honor ritual as a path of self-actualization.

  • We believe in cultivating environments where all of you is welcome and can express your true selves and communicate your desires openly.

  • We build strong, supportive communities where women and gender-expansive royals can learn from each other, share resources, and build lasting connections.

  • We empower leaders to have agency in their sexual, emotional, and professional lives, providing them with the confidence and skills necessary to make informed decisions and set boundaries.

  • We believe in the freedom to explore one's sexuality without shame, judgment, or fear, breaking free from societal constraints and embracing one's fullest self-expression.

  • We encourage personal growth, challenging ourselves and learning from our experiences to continually evolve our understanding of our sexuality, relationships, and leadership abilities.

  • We celebrate the diversity of everyone’s lived experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds, and tailor our process to meet individual needs.

  • We promote a culture of mutual respect where clients' boundaries, choices, and feelings are honored and valued.

  • Building trust and ensuring safety is integral to my business and my life, creating a safe space for open communication and exploration of sexuality, self-expression, and leadership potential.

  • We believe in cultivating a mindset of abundance and health, recognizing that sexual empowerment, loving relationships, and leadership success can coexist and contribute to a rich and fulfilling life.

Let’s talk if you’re ready to:

  • Unlock your full potential and create a life that truly reflects your innermost desires and values.

  • Embrace your sexuality and live courageously and unapologetically in your truth.

  • Gain clarity on what brings you joy, richness, and health in your relationships.

  • Connect to your deep inner wisdom and sensual power.

  • Rebuild the core of your self-confidence and self-authority through self-love.

  • Create sacred ritual space with your body and sensuality so that you can heal and mend the wounds from traumas.

"Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you."

—Robin Sharma


Investing in myself is a fundamental aspect of my personal and professional growth, a commitment I’ve made to myself as an act of radical self-love and devotional love for humanity.

These are some investments I made—and continue to make since leaving my full time job in 2017.




  • Integrative Somatic Therapy: 60-hour Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate Program training with Dr. Arielle Schwarz

  • Pleasure & Profit Mastermind: Julia Wells

  • Life Strategy Coaching: Leisse Wilcox

  • Sessions with Esther Perel: Esther Perel


  • Certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach: 1-Year Intensive Coaching Training with Layla Martin and the VITA™ Coaching Method. The VITA™ method takes the most effective teachings of modern neurobiology, holistic healing, and modern coaching, and blends them with ancient wisdom & teachings from Tantra, Taosim and Sacred Sexuality. VITA™ stands for: “The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach.”

    Majors: Tantric Sex, Relationship Transformation, and Female Sexuality

    currently training: Life Transitions

  • MWMM Financial Empowerment with Natalia Benson