1:1 Coaching & mentorship

You deserve a well-lived, well-loved, and well-f*cked life.

Working with me is transformative mind, body, and soul expansion, empowering you to move beyond your fears and shame to awaken into your most liberated and abundant sensual self while taking up unapologetic space as the leader you are.

You deserve your love and attention.

You’re a powerful leader who is passionate about creating a positive impact in the world.

You’ve read all the books and podcasts and been on this self-development journey for years, but the shifts have been brief and temporary.

Your relationships seem to be stuck on replay, and you can’t seem to break the pattern.

You are ready to let go of the limiting beliefs and shame holding you back from the intimacy you know you’re worthy of.

You want to embody sensuality as a lifestyle rooted in unconditional self-love.

You want to create conscious relationships that nourish you on the deepest levels - and feel true love.

You want to feel safe to surrender during sex and experience mind-blowing orgasms.

You're here, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and reclaiming pleasure.

Deep down, you know that sexuality is one of your most potent energy sources.

But you’re unsure where to begin and need guidance

to reconnect with your intimate self

this is the roadmap you need.


I offer a safe and brave space for your healing, personal growth and transformation.

I will help you create a life aligned with your deepest desires—a new possibility in your life that wasn’t there before.

We’ll focus on how to get you from where you are in your life (sex, love, relationships, work, well-being) to where you want to be (a peaceful sense of fulfillment, joy, abundance, and pleasure).

Sexual Wealth is the culmination of presence, abundance, prosperity, pleasure, and peace in one’s identity as it relates to sexual expression.

Through our journey together

I will help you create a life aligned with your values and deepest desires.

We bring your vision, dreams and future goals into reality NOW.

You speak. I listen. Together, we co-create your new way of being.

During our sessions

We’ll explore your desires and any perceived obstacles preventing you from creating your desired life and relationships.

I draw from a range of modalities combining elements of ritual, somatic release, coaching, role-playing, and energy work.

It is a transformative experience that will guide you toward a profound sense of self-awareness and personal growth.

By the end, you'll have the tools and embodied wisdom to make decisions from a centered place and bring your dream life closer.

"Sexuality is a property of the self, one that we develop, define, and renegotiate throughout our lives."

— Esther Perel

Client love

Some topics we explore


Develop a deeper connection to your heart, womb, pussy, and sexual self.


Heal sexual blockages, numbness, and disconnection to your body and pussy.


Cultivate greater awareness in your body for managing energy, emotions, triggers, and blocks.

Sexual Energy & Orgasm: 

Reclaim your orgasm, explore your pleasure, and expand your awareness.


Communicate your needs, boundaries, desires, and wants through your voice.


Gain lifelong embodiment practices and skills to use in daily life.


I typically work with most clients for at least 12 months.

If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a non-profit of my choice.

  • Agreement: $30,000

    • 24 sessions

    • 90-minute call (every other week)

    • Focused goal-oriented coaching (as needed)

    • VIP 2 Night Retreat in SF Bay Area

    • Email + text access to me

  • Agreement: $15,000

    • 12 sessions

    • 90-minute call (every other week)

    • Email + text access to me

  • Agreement: $10,000 *2 spots available

    • 10 sessions

    • 90-minute call (every other week)

    • Email + text access to me

This investment will cost you far more than money.

You must be ready to invest your energy, time, and commitment to creating something so powerful in your life that it will impact you and your loved ones for a lifetime.

Choosing to invest in yourself is the ultimate declaration that you’re ready to make some changes in areas in your life that you’re ready to expand in.

AND I want to acknowledge that I know how scary it can be.

If working with me is calling you, but you’re uncertain,

let’s connect and talk it through!

Serious inquiries only.

Healing cannot occur until we have challenged and changed some of The beliefs and assumptions that we all unconsciously inherit and internalize from our culture around sexuality and relationships.