You don’t have to be perfect to be here.

Reclaim sacred sexuality as a form of self-expression, empowerment, & leadership.

Sexual Wealth is the culmination of presence, abundance, prosperity, pleasure, and peace in one’s identity as it relates to sexual expression.

PRIVATE 1:1 coaching

A 6 or 12-month 1:1 coaching container working directly with Jo to unlock your unique Sexual Wealth Design through the lens of erotic and relational intelligence.

Journey through the Sexual Wealth Method paired with individualized teachings and tools. Expect to unearth your distinct anatomy of pleasure through deep desire and shadow mapping, somatic healing, empowering connection tools, and more.

relationship coaching

A 6-month relationship coaching container working directly with Jo goes beyond traditional methods to provide a holistic approach that focuses on the quality of healing, empowerment, and intimacy created by two individuals.

Through inner exploration work, somatic and embodiment techniques, and the integration of childhood wounds and unconscious patterns, couples can gain the tools they need to create a safe, supportive space for trauma healing. You will learn the specific tools and techniques to enhance your relationship on all levels, including sexually. With this approach, couples can deepen their connection and truly thrive together.


A one-of-a-kind two-day private luxury retreat designed to deepen your connection and liberate your power.

A 1:1, off-site immersion with Jo where you will imprint a new heightened baseline of peace, pleasure & prosperity. In this brave and safe container, you will connect intimately with your unique erotic and relational intelligence in order to break down any barriers that may be holding you back to give and receive love.


A 12-Week Group Coaching Experience for curious and soul-driven beings.

Expect to learn alongside a like-minded community of women and gender-expansive leaders as you develop your unique lens and layers of love. Explore sexual authenticity, the body as an instrument, your pleasure capacity, emotional mastery, and more.

"Sexuality is a property of the self, one that we develop, define, and renegotiate throughout our lives." - Esther perel

Sexuality is an intrinsic and multifaceted aspect of our lives that shapes our identity, relationships, and experiences. Often misunderstood as a fixed, unchangeable trait, sexuality is actually a fluid property of the self. Throughout our lives, we continuously develop, define, and renegotiate our sexuality to align with our evolving understanding of who we are and what we desire.

Embracing your sexuality and accepting your power as a leader is about reclaiming your agency and discovering what is truly important to you – your core values, healthy boundaries, and authentic self-expression, so you can stop chasing and start choosing your relationships from a place of consciousness and confidence.

My specialty is cutting through the noise and getting to the deepest root of an issue by asking important questions.

I'm here to guide you to find the best answer for YOU and your life and to provide as many helpful resources and insights as necessary.

Healing cannot occur until we have challenged and changed some of The beliefs and assumptions that we all unconsciously inherit and internalize from our culture around sexuality and relationships.

Client love

Choosing to invest in yourself is the ultimate declaration that you’re ready to make some changes in areas in your life that you’re ready to expand in. AND I want to acknowledge that I know how scary it can be.

If working with me is calling you, but you’re uncertain,

let’s connect and talk it through!

Serious inquiries only.