From the corporate world to sex and relationship coaching

The questions I get asked the most is “Why do you do what you do? What got you into sex and relationship coaching?”

There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.

The short answer:

I don't want my daughters to grow up in a culture and society where they have to feel shame and guilt about their authentic sexuality and self-expression.

And the way I can help to create that reality for them is to help women/femmes to feel empowered in their bodies, cultivate their authentic sexuality, and guide them back to their erotic intelligence.

My hope is that by creating a pleasure-positive and body-empowered culture, we can begin to understand the sensations and embody the experience of true sexual liberation. By doing that everyone can advocate for women's rights and the sustainable changes that our world needs so that we don't go back to oppressing women and mothers.

I want women so tuned in and turned on by their sexual power that our next generation, our ancestors, are the ones who can make the political changes we have failed to do.

But I know we can't lead them to that if the women in this generation have yet to experience the potency and power of sensuality and erotic intelligence in their bodies.

The long answer:

You can probably say that I dipped my toes into coaching at 18 years old when I was a hairstylist. Hearing the intimate and untold stories of love, life, and relationships behind the chair. This was where I began to learn the skills of what it meant to hold space, be a witness to people, listen with non-attachment and offer guidance with zero attachment to the outcome.

During my 10-year career as a stylist, I became a global hair artist and educator for a company called Rusk where my love for teaching and leading began. By the end of my career, I was one of the most sought out hairstylists in the SF Bay Area building my clientele and online presence before social media even existed. Some of you might know me as “I CUT HAIR”.

After hitting my own personal glass ceiling in the beauty industry I was scouted to work for an art and tech company called VSCO as the Director of Community. It was during my time as a people manager mixed with my self-love journey through wellness where I married the loves of empowering humans, creativity, and self-discovery and created the blog and online brand GOFITJO.

In 2016 I left the corporate world, and the coaching journey began. I am a certified master coach and received my training at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and JRNI Life Coaching. For two years, I helped women heal their relationship with their bodies by assisting them in understanding the interconnected relationships they were having with their spirituality, relationships, career, and movement before diving into the complex and confusing relationship they were having with food. In doing this, they could see the patterns that kept them stuck in the same cycle of self-loathing and disconnection from their power.

While I was moonlight coaching, my career in being a wellness influencer was skyrocketing. I worked with lifestyle brands like Nike, Adidas, Puma, Biossance, Burts Bees, Soulcycle, Gap, and many more. Ariana Huffington recognized me as one of the top wellness coaches to follow.

So where's sexuality in all this…I'm getting to it. I said it was long.

I was doing a Journal w/Jo series with my newsletter back in 2016 and opened up about the sexual trauma and suicide attempt that happened when I was a teenager. That open letter and raw sharing with my audience changed everything. My coaching organically shifted. Women began reaching out to me with a desire to find a deeper source of power, one that came from being able to heal the deepest and darkest wounds that most people in their lives would never come to know.

My entire life has been a journey of reclaiming my power, and it was in 2018 when I dived deeper into healing my relationship with my sexuality. The main motivation for that was my oldest daughter Airis. They were 14 at the time and were about to begin the school district's sexual health class at school.

I had a similar moment to the one I had years ago when I began my wellness journey.

  • "If I have a disempowered belief and value system around sexuality and pleasure, how will I teach my children to have an empowered relationship with their bodies and sexuality?

  • If I still believed that my husband or society owned my pleasure, how will I ever teach them that their pleasure is theirs to hold?

  • If there were still the undertones of sexual shame and guilt around feeling good in my body to slow down, rest, and find joy outside of my family and career, then how can I teach them that wonder and delight can also be found within the body?

  • If sex felt performative to me, like an act of doing I needed to give to feel a sense of belonging or to people please, how can I teach them the right and power of consent and choice?"

I dove deep into the exploration of my sexuality. In the same way, my rebellious nature led me to question everything in life and all my different passions and careers. My curiosity about loving my body and sexuality did the same.

The journey had me deeply examine my self-worth in ways I never imagined. I began to see and unlearn the ways within me in which society/culture and media had caused the most toxic beliefs about sex, love, and relationships.

My worldview expanded and shifted. I shared tidbits of my experience online. I explored non-monogamy, and group sex, and discovered Tantra through an unexpected Airbnb stay with my beloved partner.

It was during our Tantra experience in the woods with my first Tantra teacher that something unlocked inside of me and the wisdom she gave me which was that sex can be spiritual, healing, and celebratory. Not just in the holy shit that was an amazing orgasm kind of way, but in the holy shit here are my shadows and I am meeting it with unconditional love and allowing pleasure to be the nourishing life force to heal my body from those wounds kind of way.

I shared some of my experiences online, especially the ones I was having with healing my relationship with self-pleasure and healing the relationship my ex-husband and I had with our sex life.

Women wanted me to coach around this area of their life, but I still felt like a student learning how to coach myself in that area, so I did what every wannabe good girl would do, go back to school to learn how to coach in this area. So I did.

I’m a VITA™ Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach trained under Layla Martin and other teachers from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.

My coaching practice evolves just like my life evolves.

When people ask me what I do, I say I'm a sexual wealth coach. My passion is in empowering women/femmes to embody abundance in sex, love, and money by awakening their sacred sexuality. My life and purpose are built on the foundation of my own core values of authenticity, integrity, and radical self-acceptance.

My work is rooted in the belief that pain, trauma, and emotional wounds reside in our physical bodies AND when women are able to transform those things through pleasure, unconditional self-love, self-compassion, and alignment to their truth they become whole, integrated beings which turns them into fierce and conscious leaders.

Working with me is a partnership. Together, we will work to uncover your desires, you will discover the true radiance and power of your sexuality, and have a deeper understanding of how attachment styles influence how you show up in sex and love.

Embracing your sexuality and accepting your power as an empowered and whole woman is about reclaiming your agency and discovering what is truly important to you – your core values, healthy boundaries, and unleashed sexuality, so you can stop chasing, and start choosing your relationships from a place of consciousness and confidence.

Now that you know my story I'm turning the questions back to you. Break open that journal and start putting pen to paper, heart to lines.

Have you ever thought about who you are as a sexual being/woman?

  • What your desires are

  • What you value and why it's important to you

  • What you like and don’t like

  • What consent and choice feel like – celebrating your HELL YES to sex and honoring your NO

  • If there’s more to sex and pleasure than you thought or have experienced up until now

Most women never consider these questions OR they believe that even if they were to acknowledge that something’s missing, there’s nothing to do about it.

I know this to be true because I used to feel the same way about it.

The craziest thing about this inquiry is that these are the same questions that I asked myself in every area of my life, but my sexuality up until 2018. And the moment I began to inquire about my way of being in that area, I began to heal the deepest parts of my life that I felt so lost in.

You are born with an innate capacity to experience pleasure and orgasmic living and it is literally your birthright to access that.

If you want to share your answers with me, hit reply. I'd love to learn more about where you are in your sexuality journey.

Jo Portia

Jo Portia Mayari is a globally renowned sex and relationship coach based in SF Bay Area. She is deeply passionate about empowering people to embrace their sensual creativity and erotic expression to transform their sex and relationships.

She is a certified trauma-informed tantric sex and relationship coach who has dared to lead hundreds of people down a path of radical self-acceptance and sexual liberation. Her journey through unconditional radical AF self-love and wellness gained her recognition by Global Founder & CEO of Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington, as one of the Top 20 Health + Wellness role models.

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