Unlock your Sexual Wealth Code and embody your Erotic and Relational Intelligence.

Working with me is a transformative mind, body, and soul expansion, empowering you to move beyond your fears and shame so that you can awaken into your most liberated sensual self while taking up unapologetic space as the badass you are.

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, empowered, and in touch with your true desires.

Female sexuality and pleasure is one of those topics that have been stigmatized for years in our culture. Some of these narratives have caused women, including myself, to be afraid to express their sexuality or even explore it at different stages of womanhood.

Your sexuality is your purest form of self-expression.

Embracing your sexuality and accepting your power as an empowered and whole woman.

It’s about reclaiming your agency and discovering what is truly important to you – your core values, healthy boundaries, and unleashed sexuality.

Stop chasing and start choosing your relationships from a place of consciousness and confidence.

Working with me is a transformative mind, body, and soul expansion, empowering you to move beyond your limiting beliefs and obstacles so that you can awaken into your most liberated sensual self while taking up unapologetic space as the badass you are.

Work with The Bougie Bruja™

An intimate number of 1:1 Coaching/Mentorship spots are now open!

If you’d like to reserve a spot for the future, please fill out the application and we can set up a time to connect.

As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your sexuality as a whole. Together we consciously and lovingly look at the negative thoughts, subconscious patterns, and unhealed stories that hold you back from living in healthy sensual bliss.

During our time together you’ll learn how to…

  • Feel alive, free, & home in your body and sexuality

  • How to listen to your body and discover your deepest desires when it comes to sex

  • Develop awareness of your emotional triggers so that if they come up - you know how to handle them like the Empress or non-binary royal you are

  • Establish healthy boundaries so that you can be liberated in your sensual energy

  • Authentically express every part of you - sexually, in relationships, and in your LIFE!

  • Communicate your needs, wants, and desires to serves you and your loved ones

  • Create a relationship by your design and not by the design of your family/faith/society



Embodiment isn’t about quieting the thoughts in the head and noticing the sensations of the body from there—it’s about bringing the abstract intelligence of the head into a relationship with the body’s intelligence. Wholeness is never either/or—it’s both/and.  So the popular advice to “listen to the body,” well-meaning as it is, is stuck in the story of division. That our minds and bodies are not one.

Embodiment is about fully inhabiting the intelligence of the body and attuning to the world through your senses. It’s about listening to the world through the body. It’s about feeling the world through the breath. It’s about expressing through sound, movement, and breath which can lead you to your deepest healing yet.

My work is rooted in the belief that pain, trauma, and emotional wounds reside in our physical bodies AND when women are able to transform those things through pleasure-based empowerment, unconditional self-love, compassion, and radical self-acceptance, they become whole, integrated beings which turn them into fierce and conscious leaders.

sexual empowerment coach Joanne Encarnacion

You are my ideal client if…

  • Your desire is to fully accept the beautiful and messy parts of your being.

  • You’re ready to get in touch with your sensuality and be sexually liberated

  • You’re looking to connect to your body’s wisdom and intelligence

  • You’re ready to design the life of your dreams and the relationships that surround it

  • You’re ready to honor your boundaries without guilt and shame

  • You want to get centered and rooted in your truth

  • You’re ready to get in touch with your sensuality and sexual power

  • You’re willing to do what it takes to get there

Imagine the person you could be if you were fully unapologetic about who you are…

A note from Jo…

It’s so important to hire the coach with whom you feel a connection, because that’s a great sign that you’re going to get what exactly you need from the relationship, and if you’re here - trust this as a sign from the universe that you are ready to do "the work" that brings you back home.

This mentorship is where we work together 1:1 on what is most present and important for your body, your life, and your relationships right now.

In this intimate and personalized journey, I will guide you and give you the tools to reclaim your confidence and sexuality. What lies beneath the surface of all the stories of fear, guilt, shame, and past conditioning is your unleashed potential.

Together, we will work to identify your deepest desires and core values. You will have a deeper understanding of how attachment styles influence what you’re doing and where there’s room to change how you show up in life and infuse your own divine magic into everything you do.

You’ll leave this relationship with new tools, knowledge, and a plan that gives you more clarity on how to face life with resilience and confidence. In other words, you'll learn how to create healthy sensual joy in your life.

I am deeply devoted to creating a safe and brave container for you to leap into your deepest and most juiciest transformation that results in radical self-acceptance, liberated self-love, and vital integration while working in alignment with your original essence.

If your whole body is starting to tingle after reading all of that fill out an application, we’ll hop on a call, and start with a vibe check.