The Power of Sex Magic

I first heard of Sex Magic four years ago and my first thought was “what is this witchy shit…and where do I sign up?”

Sex Magic is an ancient manifestation practice that uses the energy force of orgasm to amplify your desires. It involves channeling your aspirations via sex to elicit a desired response from the cosmos. 

Like other forms of magic, Sex Magic is used to bring things into your life. Those desires can range from a job promotion to meeting a new partner, deepening your connection with your body, or sending positive energy to someone who needs it. Simply put, you’re bringing something into being by channeling sexual energy in its direction.

If you believe that sexual energy is life energy, then it’s no surprise that Sex Magic works so powerfully. It requires learning some basic principles, and self-love. In my eyes, it’s both an art and a practice.

Originating from Celtic traditions and Tantric teachings, Sex Magic was brought to the US by Margo Anand, one of the original teachers of Tantric traditions in the West.

In Sex Magic, you use your turn-on, sexual energy, or pleasure to ignite each one of your seven chakras — allowing it to evolve and become refined at a higher and higher vibration. At its highest vibration, at the crown of your head, you release your energy into the universe and tap into the feeling of having your desire fulfilled.


Why Is Sex Magic Powerful?

Sexual energy naturally lifts your body into a high vibration state, which can be leveraged to incite meaningful change in your life. By consciously moving energy through every part of your body, you’re also activating different parts of your brain and nervous system, bringing your body and mind into a fully integrated and communicative space.

The power of creating a ritual is also not to be overlooked as it speaks to your primal mind — a powerful component of bringing your desires to fruition. A potent element of Sex Magic also involves bringing your subconscious and unconscious mind into deep alignment which is crucial to directing your energies towards a particular goal.


What Are the Basics?

Start by creating a ritual space, keeping in mind your intention and the space you hold. You can create a space for yourself purely through intention or through your environment by lighting a candle, turning on some music, and slipping into something that makes you feel tuned in and turned on. 

Sex Magic can be done with a partner or as part of a self-pleasure practice. If you’re just getting started or your energy is feeling more peaceful and loving, consider trying embodied breathwork. 

Your sexual energy doesn’t have to be hot, erotic, or passionate, but you do want to be in a positive, high vibrational state. If you’re feeling blocked or moving through negative vibes, hold off on Sex Magic until your energy is feeling lighter.

Set an intention or focus on a particular desire before beginning your practice. Perhaps you want to attract your dream job or money, heal from heartbreak, or call in your dream relationship. 

When I begin my Sex Magic practice I spend time journaling and getting clear on the desire I want to manifest. Last month, I used Sex Magic to manifest our dream home and how I wanted the process to unfold. 

In my journal I wrote, “I desire our dream home the home buying process to be filled with love, pleasurable collaboration for all involved, and EASE.”  While working with Sex Magic, it's important to keep your desires and conditions in mind during the whole process.

Activate your five senses of reality: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch (or whichever one of these is available to you). By activating your senses, you’re working on becoming present and activating your primal body and mind. 

Write down your goal or desire and visualize yourself living the desired outcome. Incorporate your five senses into this desired reality. In Tantra and Yogic traditions, every sense is correlated to a chakra, and each chakra is connected to a part of the mind. By activating your senses and engaging different parts of your brain, you’re creating a powerful portal of manifestation.


Solo Sex Magic Practice

  • Step 1: Start turning yourself on and building your sexual energy, but don’t climax until you reach the crown of your head. It’s not not necessary to orgasm, so don’t feel pressure to do so. Use pleasure or the sensation of the high vibrational state you’re in to fuel your Sex Magic. Remember you don’t have to use sexual energy that is hot or passionate, you can use gratitude, presence, love, and peace as well.

  • Step 2: Breathe deeply and begin to move your sexual energy through each of the seven chakras. When you begin your breathwork, imagine breathing into your root chakra, the cervix, and pelvic floor. Feel the energy as a raw and primal force. As you continue to breathe and stroke your body, imagine desire moving up through your body, growing and expanding through each chakra and energy portal.

  • Step 3: Stroke your body and focus on your senses as you build your sexual energy all the way up to the crown of your head. Visualize the desire you want to manifest once more, then allow it to fall back down through your body. Let it become real in every single part of your being.

  • Step 4: Close the ritual space. Lie in stillness and bring yourself into the high vibrational emotions of gratitude, bliss, and presence. Stay as long as you wish and thank the universe.

Sex Magic Practice With a Partner

Sex Magic with a partner is very similar, but you make love with your partner instead of doing a solo practice. 

Before you begin, align on a common desire you’d like to work towards in your Sex Magic practice. Ideally, it’s the same goal. It can be materialistic or relational, like having better sex together, deepening your connection, or, in my case, a dream home. 

One of the most powerful things women or vulva-bodied humans can do is own their sexuality, step into their power, and not be afraid to use it to manifest their wildest desires.

Let me know if you’ve ever tried Sex Magic and what your experience of it has been.


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