A safe and brave space for intersectional conversations around sex, love, relationships, parenting, and life.
Okay...So now you are polyamorous Jo, WTF?
You're probably wondering "Jo, why polyamory"?
My question to you is why do people get involved in interpersonal relationships? Why become romantically attached to anyone?
The answer of course isn't universal and it will vary from person to person. When I told Jonathan that I didn't believe in monogamy in 2018 we did some research on non-monogamy and he discovered polyamory. To me, that was more in line with what I hoped to experience rather than the idea of an open marriage that was just for sex or physical intimacy. For me, polyamory offers more resources and perspectives. In our experience, we've been able to grow and expand emotionally and intellectually in ways we never imagined we could.
I won’t be your token woman of color; I want to be chosen for me.
I am many things but I will not be tokenized
People don’t follow me because of the color of my skin. People don’t hire me merely for what I look like. People are interested in me for my insights, perspective, values, personality and because I’ve shared my journey through countless failures and eventual triumphs. I’ve worked hard to unlock my voice and to speak up with integrity and without fear, and I welcome the opportunity to work with and support anyone who is interested in all of me, not just my external appearance.
I’m a sexual trauma survivor, and I’m learning to love myself day by day
Strong women fall down, but they also get back up. Our experiences in life don't need to define who we are and what we are going to become. They are there to mold us, but they do not dictate our outcomes. We can still choose how we want to write our stories and our happy endings despite the hardships in our own lives. We must choose to find the opportunity in our struggle rather than allowing the struggle to suffocate our light.