A safe and brave space for intersectional conversations around sex, love, relationships, parenting, and life.

Jo Portia Jo Portia

How My Divorce Inspired Me to Become the Matriarch I Always Wanted to Be

Choosing divorce meant finally choosing me.

They say divorces are a chance at a new life, an opportunity to reinvent yourself or find yourself again. For me, it was a chance to write a new story and break cycles of intergenerational trauma — a pattern I witnessed among all the mothers in my family.

Divorce was an opportunity to rewrite my own story of motherhood and entrepreneurship, centered around ease, pleasure, abundance, and the feeling of being held as a mother. I had no idea how to achieve this because none of the women in my family had.

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How do you know when it's time to end your marriage?

On paper I had it all — a successful tech career, my health, two daughters, a dog, a home we were safely in, I was cultivating the most beautiful adult friendships with my girlfriends, and a young marriage that had been through some shit and still standing.

But somewhere deep inside there was this quiet voice saying "You deserve more. You deserve to not feel like you're not enough or too much."

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