The Anatomy of Pleasure & The Untapped Erotic Zones

What's your favorite part of sex? Is it the orgasm? The foreplay? The endorphins? Or are you more into the whole experience, from start to finish?

If you're like most people, it's a combination of those things—and more. But did you know that your genitals are only one small part of a much larger system designed to make sex feel good?

When you have a good knowledge of which parts of your body are meant to make you feel good, it's easier to understand what turns you on (and off).

The better you know your body, the more you can control your sexual experiences. Knowing what feels good to you and communicating that with a partner can help you have a healthy, joyful, and empowered sex life (solo or partnered).

If you’re ready to dive deeper, let's talk about pleasure and anatomy!

Mind-Body Connection

Before we get into the physical parts of your body that contribute to pleasure, let's talk about your biggest sexual organ — your brain. Inside your brain are hormones, neurotransmitters, and chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that create all the different emotions and feelings associated with sex, including pleasure. So even before you touch yourself or someone else, the brain is at work.

For some, accessing pleasure or feelings of surrender can be difficult due to a number of reasons — psychic stress, lack of emotional connection, or trauma.

Some research shows that most women need mental stimulation and emotional connection before they feel sexually aroused. Men, on the other hand, tend to rely more on visual stimulation and physical touch. This isn’t always true. I’ve had clients who experience the opposite in their relationships. Neither is right or wrong nor good or bad.

A little mental foreplay can help anyone set the mood!

The physical sensations and stimulation of the body are also incredibly important for pleasure.

Erogenous Zones

Your genitals are a well-known pleasure zone but getting turned on can be a full-body experience by understanding which parts of your body are primed for pleasure. 

But did you know that your genitals are only one small part of a much larger system designed to make sex feel good? Your mind-body connection is a powerful tool for getting in the mood and staying there, but did you know that there are other parts of your body that are also primed for sexy time vibes? Here’s a list of some of our favorite Erogenous Zones.


The Vulva and Vagina - Pussy

The Vulva is the external part of the female genital organs and includes the inner and outer labia, the clitoris, the urethra, and the vagina. The vagina is often thought of as the "birth canal," but it's also the space where sexual pleasure can be experienced. It is a sensitive organ and has its own set of nerve endings. Due to its elastic nature, it can also provide intense pleasure when touched and stroked.  

Image Credit: The Pleasure Journal by Georgia Gracie

The Clitoris - The Bliss Pearl

The clitoris is a powerhouse, packed with nerve endings and is one of the most sensitive parts of the body - it's commonly referred to as the female equivalent of the penis.

The clitoral body is a cluster of 8,000 nerve endings, double the number of those in a penis, that extends up to 5 inches deep inside the body. It wraps around the vagina and is often referred to as the "g-spot" or "inner clitoral complex."

Stimulation of the clitoral body can create intense and powerful sensations. It is often the source of multiple orgasms.

The tip is just the tip of the iceberg - the whole clitoral structure is much bigger than what's visible externally. Clitorises range from 7-12 cm in length and swell by 50 to 300% when engorged when aroused. As you draw closer to orgasm it increases in size.

The labia and inner clitoral hood also play a role in stimulation. Experimenting with touch in various places around the clitoris can help you understand what feels best for you.

The Clitoral Glans:

The clitoral glans is the most sensitive part of the clitoris and the only one visible externally. It is typically the size of a pea, and it is often referred to as the "love button" or "the pearl of pleasure." I like to call it a Bliss Pearl. It is located at the top of the clitoral hood, between the labia minora. Stimulating the clitoral glans can create powerful sensations and lead to orgasm.

The Clitoral Hood:

The clitoral hood is the small fold of tissue that covers the clitoris. It provides protection from irritation and helps to keep the clitoral glans moist. It is highly sensitive to touch, and can be stimulated to increase arousal and create pleasurable sensations.

The Clitoral Legs: 

The clitorial legs also known as the crura, can be harder to find. At the base of the clitoris shaft the clitoris bends and branches into two parts like a wishbone. This wishbone-like structure has two legs that extend downwards, one on each side of the labia majora. This "fork" is comprised of two bundles of nerve endings that can be stimulated by direct or indirect touch. You may feel the top part of them by spreading your fingers out and placing them on either side of the shaft and pressing down. 

Stimulating clitoral legs can help to amplify pleasure, especially when combined with clitoral stimulation at the clitoral glans. Experimenting with different kinds of pressure and sensations can help you to find what feels best to you. Try light touches, strokes, circular motions, and pressure to see what works for you.


The G-Spot - Vagina Pleasure Spot

The G-spot is located on the anterior wall of the vagina, about 2 to 3 inches deep. It is an area of dense tissue and nerves that can produce strong sensations when stimulated. Some people find it pleasurable when pressure is placed along the area and this can lead to powerful orgasms. Experimentation is key when exploring the G-spot - different positions, angles, strokes, and levels of pressure may be necessary to find what works best for you.   


The Anus - Slow and Steady

Your anus is another erogenous zone that can provide you with a unique type of pleasure when stimulated. Due to the concentration of nerves in the area, it can be incredibly sensitive to the touch. The feeling of being penetrated can also be pleasurable for some, but it is important to make sure that you are relaxed and use plenty of lube. Start by exploring the outside area, massaging the area with a finger and gradually moving deeper if desired.  


The A-Spot - Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone

The A-Spot, or the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone, is an often-overlooked area of the assigned female at birth bodies that can provide intense pleasure when stimulated. Located deep within the anterior wall of the vagina, the A-Spot is an area full of nerve endings that respond to light pressure and gentle strokes. It is not as well-known as the G-Spot, but can be just as pleasurable when properly explored.

The A-Spot can be difficult to find, but it is worth the effort once discovered. To reach it, gently insert two to four fingers into the vagina and make a "come hither" motion towards the belly button. With each stroke, you should feel the area become more sensitive; this is an indication that you have found the A-Spot. When stimulated correctly, it can lead to powerful orgasms that are different from clitoral or G-Spot orgasms.

For those who are new to exploring their A-Spot, it can be helpful to use a lubricant on the fingers to reduce discomfort and increase pleasure. It is important to take your time and experiment with different speeds and pressures to find what feels best. And remember, communication is key - if you're exploring with a partner, make sure to tell them what you're experiencing and what you would like them to do.

The A-Spot is an incredibly pleasurable area of the body that can often be forgotten. Taking the time to find it and get acquainted with it can add a new layer of pleasure to your sex life and help you understand your body better. With a little exploration and patience, you'll be on your way to some incredible orgasms!


Cervix: The Deep Hidden Spot

The cervix is an often-overlooked pleasure spot that can offer unique sensations. While the cervix itself is not a pleasure spot, the area around it is rich in nerve endings that can create pleasure when stimulated.

The cervix is located at the base of the uterus, between the vagina and the bladder. It is a very sensitive area that can be stimulated during sexual activity. Many people find that stimulating the area around the cervix is pleasurable, particularly when combined with G-spot or clitoral stimulation.

When stimulating the cervix, it is important to remember that it is the most sensitive part of the reproductive system. Even gentle pressure can cause pain, so it is important to be careful and move slowly when exploring the area. It is also important to use plenty of lubricant, as the tissues in this area can be easily irritated.

Communication is also key. Make sure to talk to your partner about your boundaries and preferences when exploring the cervix. That way, both partners can get the most out of the experience.

The cervix can be a source of incredible pleasure when explored correctly. With patience and communication, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both partners. So don’t be afraid to open the door to this hidden pleasure spot and get ready to experience something new.


The Unexplored Anatmony: Energetic & Spiritual Bodies

Another part of the body that is usually left out of most conversations is both the Energetic and Spiritual bodies.

Understanding sexual energy, especially, can really enhance your sexual experiences — when you hear about eight-hour orgasms, those are being had by people who understand energy. The Energetic and Spiritual bodies provide us with an understanding of energy and energy exchange that helps us to be in better control of our lives and decisions, forming relationships based on love and understanding.

Chemistry and attraction are also based on energy.

The same can be said about understanding the energetic and spiritual bodies. When we become more in tune with this part of ourselves, we can become more connected to our own desires and bodies. We can move more freely and confidently in our lives, allowing ourselves to experience more joy and pleasure.

In a Western Society relationships can be limited and ending with lack of attraction but when we understand the energetic and spiritual body, it helps us to understand the connection we have with someone on a deeper level and to explore our own truth and desire.

In the Tantric and Daoist systems, your energy is also connected to your spirituality. 

The Spiritual body is mainly connected to our soul, our divine essence, and our spiritual energy. Understanding this body allows us to be better connected to our divine self and to be in alignment with our true desires and purpose in life.

These two interconnected aspects of ourselves can help us to deepen our inner connection, bring more joy and pleasure into our lives, and create relationships that are more meaningful and fulfilling. The energetic and spiritual body helps us to tap into the endless source of creativity and imagination that comes from those realms.

You can explore the energetic and spiritual body in a variety of ways, including yoga, breathwork, and meditation. By connecting with your energetic and spiritual body, you can feel deeply connected to yourself and those around you, enabling you to create more pleasurable and meaningful sexual experiences.

Going Deeper

Creating a pleasure map and understanding your erotic blueprint can help you create a baseline of pleasure, delight, and body exploration that you can explore for a lifetime. By having a better understanding of your physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies, start exploring what feels best for you. Once you have a clear understanding of your body the what, how, and when of your turn-ons and turn-offs, communicate them to your partner to create a more satisfying and enjoyable sex life.

And if you want help or guidance on where to start, I’m here to help.

Jo Portia

Jo Portia Mayari is a globally renowned sex and relationship coach based in SF Bay Area. She is deeply passionate about empowering people to embrace their sensual creativity and erotic expression to transform their sex and relationships.

She is a certified trauma-informed tantric sex and relationship coach who has dared to lead hundreds of people down a path of radical self-acceptance and sexual liberation. Her journey through unconditional radical AF self-love and wellness gained her recognition by Global Founder & CEO of Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington, as one of the Top 20 Health + Wellness role models.

Our Favorite Erogenous Zones
